Posted on: September 8, 2022 Posted by: cjoh Comments: 0

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Hi, everybuddy! Did you know that I am eight years old?  That is just a little bit old.  Today I want to tell you about my magical medicine that makes me feel young again!

My Mommeh observed a while ago that I was not as active as I used to be, and I observed that my hips often felt stiff.  even when I gave them a real hard Look, they still acted up.

I was also spending lots of time on my heated cat pad, because it helped my joints feel better.

So my Mommeh got me this special medicine to take called Cosequin for Cats. It might have been made just for me, on account of it comes in this pretty pink color.

You just sprinkle this stuff on your food and eat it all up! Sorry, I am not a dainty eater. You  might want to look away…

And the best part? My hips and joints feel much better and I can jump all around again.  That is how I know for sure that my medicine is magical!

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