FURminator for dogs and cats

I recently got a complimentary FURminator pet clean from PetsBath.com, a company that offers pet dog bath tubs and accessories. Every pet dog and cat owner needs one of these brushes! No other pet clean works in addition to the FURminator. The fine-tooth comb pulls the dead hair trapped in the undercoat as you can see below. The clean works well on dogs and cats with any coat length. I…

What Do You love about golden Retrievers?

What do you love about golden retrievers? Did you know I’ve lived with three of them? My family had Kacy, Brittni and most recently our sweet Elsie. I’ve also had the opportunity to walk several golden retrievers through my canine walking business. people love goldens! and in some cases it seems like if you have one golden sooner or later you’ll have another! For this post I asked several golden retriever owners…