Posted on: December 24, 2022 Posted by: cjoh Comments: 0

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Feline gingivitis/stomatitis is defined as inflammation of the gums and oral cavity frequently seen in lots of cats. While there can be certain causes of this chronic and discouraging inflammation such as viral infection with feline herpes virus (rhinotracheitis), calicivirus (FCV), feline leukemia virus and/or feline immunodeficiency virus, a lot of of the time no certain causative agents can be found, placing the cause as ideopathic/immune mediated, which indicates that the cat’s immune system is attacking its own gums for unknown reasons.

While secondary bacterial overgrowth with bacteria such as Bartonella and lots of others can occur, these bacteria are rarely the primary cause of a cat’s red and inflamed gums. Symptoms include the appearance of a red line or swelling around the tooth line, which can progress up the gums, and/or to the rest of the oral cavity and tongue. heavy and often offensive salivation and drooling, difficulty and painful eating, as well as quivering jaws on manipulation on touch can all be seen to varying degrees. The inflammation often extends to the root of the teeth leading to progressive dental decay and bone loss of the underlying jaw.

Various prescription antibiotics such as Metronidazole, Clindamycin, Antirobe and/or Doxycycline can help lots of cats with controlling overgrowth of bacteria, and periodic ultrasonic dental scaling can help but the condition often recurs. due to the immune nature of this condition, lots of veterinarians will often prescribe cortisone and other immune suppressive medications. However, these drugs normally don’t have long enduring beneficial effects. ultimately the only therapeutic option that often works is extraction of especially the back teeth, but often entire mouth teeth extractions are needed to minimize the inflammation. even when this procedure is needed, results are still not guaranteed. Feeding cat species proper diets, including canned food and/or appropriately balanced meat based homemade diets can be helpful before severe inflammation takes hold.

In my opinion giving cats raw meaty bones such as chicken wings help to often remove plaque and clean the gums better than any commercial products. natural products like Fidodent by animal essentials and Vetz Life Oral care spray or gel can help in some cases. I’ve seen some cases respond to classic homeopathic treatment by trained veterinarians when patiently treated and examined over time.

Animal guardians can learn a lot more about homeopathic treatment options at No matter which technique is chosen, treatment of feline gingivitis/stomatitis is never easy, and will require long term commitment and patience on both feline guardian and veterinarian’s part.



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