Posted on: May 12, 2023 Posted by: cjoh Comments: 0

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Derby has been a part of the guide pet dog adoption program for nearly two months now.  I don’t mind keeping him at home during this process, but the longer he stays at home the a lot more tough it becomes to let him go.  I received an email last week letting me know that they might have found a family for Derby.  I was both ecstatic (for Derby) and sad at the same time.
We took a few a lot more pictures the past few days and gave Derby extra hugs and kisses during his final days at the condo.  here are a few images:

Derby loves Stetson and is always cuddling up against him.  He’s a very affectionate dog.

We BBQ’d.  Stetson still likes sitting by my feet.  Derby likes laying on top of Stetson.

Derby’s last drop off.
Back when we first heard about Derby getting dropped we put together an post about retired guide dogs and guide pet dog rejects.

Guide pet dog Adoption
As a puppy raiser I was given the first option to adopt Derby after he was dropped from the program.  regrettably I have two other dogs to take care of and Derby really needs a home where he can run around and play.  My little condo is just two small for Derby and his long legs.
There is a six year waitlist for occupation change puppies and retired guide dogs.  We’ve been patiently waiting for GDA to find a suitable match for Derby.
Early today I found out that the family Derby met with was not the ideal match.  I’m going to send out an email to find out a lot more about Derby and how his placement is going.
I’m sure Derby will find a terrific home.  I really miss him…I’m so used to him putting his head on my lap while I work at the office, cuddling up against my feet, or his snoring ideal in the middle of a phone call.
Top picks For Our Puppies
BEST PUPPY toy We Like: Calmeroos Puppy toy w/ heartbeat and heat Packs – best for new puppies. helps ease anxiety in their new home.
BEST pet dog CHEW We Like: Bones & Chews Bully Sticks – all of our puppies love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Bully Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors.
BEST pet dog treats We Like: crazy pet dog Train-Me treats – We use these as our high-value treats for our guide pet dog puppies.
BEST FRESH pet dog FOOD We Like: The Farmer’s pet dog – A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh pet dog food and she loves it! get 50% off your first buy of The Farmer’s Dog.

Check out a lot more of our favorites on our new Puppy Checklist.

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