Posted on: October 18, 2022 Posted by: cjoh Comments: 0

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Did you recognize me in my very beautiful and fancy chapeau? This is a busy week for me because there are two crucial days coming up. First, Thursday is dress Up Your Pet Day. If you have a cat or a pet dog who would like to dress up for the occasion, you can get some ideas and see me modeling some of my favorite outfits, here. The very next day, this Friday, is national Hat Day! Hats are very stylish, but they can be hard to wear, especially for dogs or cats with big ears, like me. here are my recommendations:

First, use a gentle ear cleanser to make sure your pet’s ears are clean, because a hat could draw unwanted attention to any waxy buildup in the ears!

Select a hat with a chin-strap or elastic band so the hat stays in place, even on a windy day.

Pay attention to the weather when selecting the best hat. If it is a sunny day, a wide-brimmed hat will supply protection from the sun. A relaxing fleece-lined hat would be an exceptional choice for a frosty day.

Choose a color that complements your pet dog or cat’s fur color. I think pink looks especially pretty.

A coordinating accessory such as a scarf or sunglasses can make any hat look even fancier!

 Pick a hat that doesn’t interfere with the ears. lots of pet hats are created with little holes to stick the ears through.

My best recommendations is, if your pet dog or cat does not take pleasure in wearing hats, just skip this holiday altogether.

Harley was thrilled when I asked him to choose a hat to wear for this story. Unfortunately, he did not quite grasp the concept of “hat.” I guess the unicorn-horn could be considered a head covering, but without a crown or a brim, I do not think the horn can technically be considered a hat. Sorry, Harley.

Daisy the Curly Cat


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