Posted on: January 26, 2023 Posted by: cjoh Comments: 0

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The last secret of pain is yet to tell.
Pain is heaven and also pain is hell.
Pain is north pole, pain is south pole.
In our life pain plays an crucial role.
~  Ramesh Kavdia

There are few things a lot more upsetting than enjoying a pet that used to jump from the bed to the couch, jump in and out of the pool, run up a flight of stairs, and chase a ball for hours all of a sudden develop joint pain and can now hardly move. I have personally taken lots of phone calls from teary eyed owners who just don’t know what to do to stop the suffering. When I hang up after one of those calls I normally just stare at the phone for about 5 minutes in silence and try my best to come to terms with the role of suffering and pain in the bigger scheme of things. I always believed that if someone can feel such great compassion for a pet they need to have a great big heart with lots of love residing in it. Today I will go over Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia, and some pros and cons of the various medications that are used to treat these very painful disorders.

Arthritis is defined as an inflammation of the joint. pain is caused when that inflamed joint is moved around. the most common cause of arthritis is lipid compounds called prostaglandins. a lot of prostaglandins have a beneficial role in regulating cells and organs, body temperature, and nerve transmission; other prostaglandins are not so beneficial and play a crucial role in causing inflammation. Therefore, anti-inflammatory agents are a class of drugs that are a lot of frequently used in treatment of this inflammation. Arthritis that is caused by bone is called osteoarthritis, if caused by infection it’s called septic, and if caused by the body attacking itself its called rheumatoid arthritis.

Some examples of the symptoms associated with arthritis include painful limping, difficulty rising, difficulty with stairs, being aggressive when petted, and loss of interest in walking or playing.

Hip Dysplasia is an abnormal development of the hips which results in an boosted amount of looseness in the hip joint. The hip joint is unstable and the instability leads to inflammation and to calcium deposition in an attempt by the body to stabilize the joint. Hip dysplasia is an inherited trait which normally develops over time.

A lack of motivation to move, stiffness, not liking to be picked up, difficulty rising, back legs kept close together, falling over when squatting to urinate or defecate, or thigh muscle wasting are some of the symptoms of hip dysplasia.

Some treatments for Arthritis and Hip Dysplasia:

Weight management is the first thing that need to be addressed. All surgical and medical procedures will be a lot more beneficial if the animal is not overweight.

exercise is the next crucial step. exercise that supplies for good range of motion and muscle building and limits wear and tear on the joints is the best. Leach walking , swimming, and walking on a treadmill are exceptional low-impact exercises.

warmth and good sleeping areas helps with the arthritis symptoms and supplying a firm, orthopedic foam bed helps lots of dogs and cats with both arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Physical therapy can also help maintain good range of motion and kick back stiff muscles.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are not pain killers but have been used with some success by giving the cartilage-forming cells the building blocks they need to synthesize new cartilage and to repair the existing damaged cartilage. Glucosamine is a major sugar and may have a role in synthesizing and maintaining cartilage in the joint. Chondroitin inhibits damaging enzymes in the joint. lots of people have found incredibly Joint Enhancer, a product which consists of both Glucosamine and Chondroitin, very beneficial for their family pets with arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan (Adequan) is an exceptional anti-inflammatory agent that helps stop the breakdown of cartilage and may help with the synthesis of new cartilage. It also helps to relieve pain. Adequan is normally given weekly for 5 weeks and very often has shown positive results.

Aspirin is a Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkiller. Aspirin must not be given to cats unless prescribed by a veterinarian. It is very easy to overdose this medication in cats. With dogs it is still recommended to go over this product with your veterinarian to make sure that your pet can safely manage this medication. a lot of family pets will need to be monitored while on this medication. This product is also available in a chewable easy to administer form called Excel Aspirin

other Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) include Carprofen (Rimadyl), Etodolac (Etogesic), deracoxib (Deramaxx), Ketoprofen, and Meloxicam (Metacam).  all of these products are used to help with the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis and hip dysplasia. Each of these medications have their own strengths and weaknesses and your veterinarian is the best person to select the proper medication for your particular pet. With some of these medication regular routine blood tests and monitoring is recommended.

Corticosteroids, such as prednisone and prednisolone, have been used for lots of years to treat pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and hip dysplasia. They are potent anti-inflammatory agents, but have lots of short and long term side effects (ie. Immunosuppression). Corticosteroids are normally only used in older animals with flare-ups where all other pain control products have failed.

It is very crucial to develop and maintain a good relationship with your veterinarian so that he or she knows exactly what your pet is suffering from and supplies proper follow-up treatment and prescribes the proper medication. in some cases where the disease has progressed to a certain degree your veterinarian may suggest surgery to replace the hip joint. All surgery involves certain risks and medications have different side effect profiles, different dosing, and therapeutic properties. Your vet is in the best position to decide on the procedure as well as the medication required to keep your pet safe. a lot of of these medications require regular monitoring and lab tests to make sure that the internal organs of the pet are not getting damaged. Also, as always, you can call your 1800PetMeds pharmacist to help answer any of your medication related questions.

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