Posted on: June 28, 2023 Posted by: cjoh Comments: 0

The Labrador Retriever once again breaks records. The American Kennel Club (AKC®) announced at a press conference Wednesday March 20 at the AKC museum of the canine that the loveable lab remains the top many popular breed in the United States. Additionally, AKC registration continues to expand for the sixth consecutive year.

While the Labrador Retriever continues its reign at the top, the German Shorthaired tip has been quietly climbing the charts over the past decade. This versatile, all-purpose hunter came in at number nine in 2018 – it’s highest position because becoming recognized in 1930.

“The Labrador Retriever shows no signs of giving up the top spot anytime soon,” said AKC executive secretary Gina DiNardo. “Labs make fantastic companions for a broad variety of people, and for good reason. The breed is very intelligent, friendly and terrific with children. attention should be paid to the German Shorthaired Pointer, however! This jack of all trades in the tip world has slowly but steadily risen in popularity over the years. people continue to fall in love with its versatility, extreme intelligence and willingness to please.”

Lola, our publisher’s grandpup, newest #1 Labrador in the family.

In addition to the country’s many popular, rare breeds were on the rise in 2018. Pumik rose 11 spots last year (162 to 151), Ibizan Hounds rose 13 spots (165 to 152), and Finnish Lapphunds rose 12 spots (173 to 161). Terriers also made a comeback after years on the decline. Rat Terriers rose 11 spots (97 to 86), border Terriers rose four spots (92 to 88), Bedlington Terriers rose 10 spots (151 to 141), and Dandie Dinmont Terriers rose six spots (182 to 176).

Below is a comparison for AKC’s top 10 many popular breeds in 2018 vs 2017:

2018 many popular Dogs in the U.S.
2017 many popular Dogs in the U.S.

1. Labrador Retriever
1. Labrador Retriever

2. German Shepherd Dog
2. German Shepherd Dog

3. golden Retriever
3. golden Retriever

4. French Bulldog
4. French Bulldog

5. Bulldog
5. Bulldog

6. Beagle
6. Beagle

7. Poodle
7. Poodle

8. Rottweiler
8. Rottweiler

9. German Shorthaired Pointer
9. Yorkshire Terrier

10. Yorkshire Terrier
10. German Shorthaired Pointer

What’s the favorite breed (or breeds) in your family and why?

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