Medication for dogs during fireworks and when to use it

I used to believe prescription medication for dogs during fireworks must be given as a last resort. but that was because I did not have a pet dog who was terrified of fireworks. I give my weimaraner Remy a prescription anti anxiety medication before fireworks begin every 4th of July and new Year’s Eve. This is no big deal and helps him hunker down in his indoor kennel. If you…

Does your dog take your blankets?

[frame src=”” target=”_self” width=”628″ height=”308″ alt=”Buddy blanket Comforter” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”] Buddy blanket Comforters for pets on Kickstarter Note: This is a sponsored post. Buddy blanket Comforters are comforters for dogs as well as cats. Michael Jefferson said is seeking $2,000 on Kickstarter to cover the development as well as shipping of 100 friend Blankets. He came up with the concept for friend blankets when he noticed exactly how much his dog Moxie liked comforters. However,…

Greta the gardener

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore We utilized to have a gorgeous backyard, then we got Greta. Her very first self-assigned objective was to take out all the bromeliads. You would believe their natural defense system (spiky leaves) would keep them safe. Not from our Greta! She would rip as well as shred them to pieces after pulling them out of the ground whole. We…

My magical medicine

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore Hi, everybuddy! Did you know that I am eight years old?  That is just a little bit old.  Today I want to tell you about my magical medicine that makes me feel young again! My Mommeh observed a while ago that I was not as active as I used to be, and I observed that my hips often felt…

My golden retriever

Years ago, my household had a purebred golden retriever. This was before I had a mutt, before I got included in pet dog rescue as well as before I understood what a blog was. I’d never even believed about pet dog agility, starting a pet dog running service or fostering a pitbull. But each pet dog that enters my life truly does seem to open a new chapter, as well…

Wellness CORE RawRev pet dog Food review and Giveaway

The brand new wellness CORE RawRev pet dog food is a combination of grain-free kibble and 100 percent raw freeze-dried meat. My dogs Ace and Remy got to try the new food along with the new wellness CORE freeze-dried treats. Both products are complimentary of man-made preservatives, dyes or flavors. This post is sponsored by Wellness. The company is giving away a complimentary prize pack to two readers of That Mutt. Each…

Returning a Rescue or shelter pet dog

Adopting a pet dog is a terrific experience, however often you may end up with the wrong dog. And then what? Do you just work it out? Do you discover the rescue pet dog a new house yourself? Or do you return the pet dog to the shelter or rescue group? In 2020, I selected to return a pet dog I wished to adopt, as well as my heart goes…

I hope to adopt a pitbull

Adopting a pitbull I was chatting with some relatives last month – good people. One asked for my “opinion” on pitbulls. So I said what I always say, that “pitbulls” are just dogs, no different from others. just dogs. The other three expressed their fears about pitbulls. and then one said that, yes, she had also heard pitbulls can be really good dogs. I thought that was progress. I don’t try…

Ear Mites in animals

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore4 One of the a lot more common causes of ear inflammation and discharge especially in younger puppies and kittens is the presence of ear mites. Ear mites normally come from direct contact with mites in the environment, or from other animals. Symptoms typically include dark waxy discharge from both ears, as well as head shaking and ear itching. Some animals will develop…

Interview: developer of #WeRateDogs

If you’re not following WeRateDogs on Twitter, go ahead as well as do so now since you’re missing out. I’ve been complying with the account for awhile, however I started loving WeRateDogs after I saw this interaction: Why are you so mad Bront — WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) September 12, 2016 they’re great dogs Brent — WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) September 12, 2016 WeRateDogs now has much more than 4.46 million Twitter followers as well as…